Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hymn-Scripture Challenge 9

I love this hymn and singing it brings fond memories of the church and people I grew up in.  This is our Father's world and on my travels from seeing the great Rockies to vast oceans nothing reminds me of that fact as much as the flowers of the field.  They are so small and only last for awhile, but they always seem to be in a state of rejoicing their Maker.  With all that is going on in the world that bring so much turmoil, it reminds me that "although the wrong is oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet."

I took this picture of the flowers in my brother's front yard in Colorado.

You can learn more about this hymn and the writer, Maltbie Babcock, on Patter's blog found here.

On this digital layout, I used a few elements from the iNSD 2010 collab at Scapbook-Bytes.

1 comment:

Jonia said...

Kathy what a great page! Love it